In this guide, we will create a Kubernetes cluster using the dashboard, and deploy a simple application to it.
The Kubernetes cluster deployed in this guide is not intended to be used for production workloads.
In order to manage Kubernetes clusters, your Catalyst Cloud user account must be allocated the following roles in the project:
The Project Member (_member_
) role, for viewing, creating and deleting
Kubernetes clusters using the Catalyst Cloud CLI or dashboard.
The Kubernetes Admin (k8s_admin
) role, for granting
access to download the kubeconfig file, which is required to interact
with Kubernetes using the kubectl
tool or the Kubernetes dashboard.
User roles for Kubernetes RBAC are separate from the standard roles. To interact with Kubernetes after your cluster is created, even Project Admins need to grant themselves the appropriate roles.
For more information, please refer to the User Access section of our kuberenetes documentation.
A small quota is sufficient to deploy the development cluster template if your project is empty. However, if you already have some resources allocated, you may want to increase your quota to ensure there is sufficient capacity available to deploy Kubernetes.
By default, Kubernetes templates allocate:
4 compute instances
8 vCPUs
16 GB of RAM
4 block storage volumes
40 GB of block storage space
3 security groups
1 load balancer
As a Project Admin you can change your quota using the Quota Management panel in the dashboard, under the Management section.
This Quick Start guide for the most part involves using the Catalyst Cloud and Kubernetes dashboards to perform tasks, but some specific steps require use of command line tools.
Please make sure you have:
Installed the Catalyst Cloud command line tools, and sourced the OpenRC file for your project in your terminal session.
Downloaded and installed kubectl, the Kubernetes command line client.
The Catalyst Cloud dashboard allows you to create, manage and monitor the current status of your clusters.
From the Clusters page under the Container Infra tab, you will see the following:
This page gives you an overview of your clusters, their status and how many clusters you have, measured against your quota.
To create a new cluster, click the + Create Cluster button:
Pick a Name for your new cluster, and choose the latest Cluster Template version available from the drop-down list.
Once that is done your screen should look something like this:
Next, select the Size tab to configure the size and number of nodes in the cluster.
There are two types of nodes in Catalyst Cloud Kubernetes clusters: Control Plane Nodes (formerly referred to as Master Nodes), and Worker Nodes.
Control Plane Nodes are where the Kubernetes control plane is hosted, and Worker Nodes run the container deployments uploaded to Kubernetes.
You may create any number of Worker Nodes, however Control Plane Nodes must be created with an uneven number e.g. 1, 3 or 5.
In the example below, the cluster will be created with 1 Control Plane Node and 3 Worker Nodes.
The flavors of the Control Plane Nodes and Worker Nodes can also be configured individually. For this guide we will use the default values.
Select the Network tab to configure the cluster’s network access.
To enable access to the Kubernetes API from the public Internet, select ‘Accessible with public floating IP’ from the Floating IP drop-down list. For this guide, we will leave the Allowed CIDRs field empty.
That is everything you need to configure for this guide, so press the Submit button to create the cluster.
You will be returned to the Clusters page, where you can monitor the state
of your Kubernetes clusters. Our new cluster should be listed,
state. Refresh the page periodically to see the updated cluster status.
Creating a new Kubernetes cluster can take up to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the cluster you are trying to build.
Once the cluster has reached the CREATE_COMPLETE
state, it is now up and running,
and you can start using it.
You can now download the kubeconfig file for the cluster using the Download Kubeconfig button.
Please ensure that you Source an openstack RC file for your project before proceeding
The kubectl tool allows you to interact with your Catalyst Cloud Kubernetes cluster using the command line.
As the Kubernetes dashboard of our cluster is not directly accessible from the Internet,
we will use kubectl
to gain access to the Kubernetes dashboard.
First, ensure you have downloaded the kubeconfig file from the Catalyst Cloud dashboard using the Download Kubeconfig button.
Your browser may download the kubeconfig file to another location.
If you wish to download the kubeconfig file to a specific location
(and not the default location for your operating system), replace .../Downloads
in the below file paths with your desired download location.
The kubeconfig file contains the required metadata used to authenticate with the Kubernetes cluster.
In a command line terminal environment (such as bash
) export the KUBECONFIG
environment variable, to configure kubectl
to connect to your cluster.
export KUBECONFIG="${HOME}/Downloads/quickstart1_kubeconfig"
Alternatively, if you have no other Kubernetes clusters, you could move the downloaded file
) to the default location for kubectl
, in $HOME/.kube/config
mkdir -p "${HOME}/.kube" && mv "${HOME}/Downloads/quickstart1_kubeconfig" "${HOME}/.kube/config"
In a PowerShell environment, define the KUBECONFIG
environment variable to configure kubectl
to connect to your cluster.
$Env:KUBECONFIG = $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\quickstart1_kubeconfig
environment variable, to configure kubectl
to connect to your cluster using the downloaded file.
set KUBECONFIG=%homedrive%%homepath%\Downloads\quickstart1_kubeconfig
The kubeconfig file uses the Catalyst Cloud authentication token in your terminal’s environment (provided by the OpenRC file) to authenticate with the Kubernetes API.
To be able to use kubectl
, your OpenRC file for the project must be sourced,
environment variable must be defined.
Once we have the CLI configured, we can then begin to use kubectl
to interact with the
To test everything works, run the kubectl cluster-info
command to
show the details of the cluster:
$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
Now that we have kubectl
available, we can access the Kubernetes dashboard.
In the currently open terminal (with your OpenRC file sourced), run the following command to fetch the authentication token from the environment, and copy it to the clipboard.
We will use this once the dashboard is open.
echo $OS_TOKEN
In the currently open terminal (with your OpenRC file sourced), run the following command to fetch the authentication token from the environment, and copy it to the clipboard.
We will use this once the dashboard is open.
echo $Env:OS_TOKEN
In the currently open terminal (with your OpenRC file sourced), run the following command to fetch the authentication token from the environment, and copy it to the clipboard.
We will use this once the dashboard is open.
echo %OS_TOKEN%
Now run the following command in the same terminal window:
kubectl proxy
This starts a proxy session which allows you to access the dashboard.
$ kubectl proxy
Starting to serve on
Once the proxy is running, open the following URL in your browser:
You will be presented with a login screen, as shown below. Select Token as the authentication type and paste in the authentication token acquired in the previous steps.
Press Sign in to login, and you should now have the Kubernetes dashboard open in your browser.
Let’s try creating a deployment for a basic application on Kubernetes.
First, click the + button in the top right of the dashboard to open the Create new resource form.
Select Create from input, and paste the following YAML into the form.
This YAML creates a new deployment called quickstart-nginx
which consists of a single nginx
web server, serving the default test page via HTTP (port 80).
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: quickstart-nginx
app: quickstart-nginx
replicas: 1
app: quickstart-nginx
app: quickstart-nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:latest
- containerPort: 80
The filled in form should look like this:
Press Upload to create the deployment.
You will now directed back to the home page, where the new deployment will be tracked in real time:
Let’s check that our new application is working properly. This application is not accessible from the Internet, so we will need to create a port forward from the local machine to the application in the cluster.
Since the terminal window we have been using is currently running the
kubectl proxy
command for the Kubernetes dashboard,
open a new terminal window.
Make sure to source your OpenRC file, and set the KUBECONFIG
environment variable (as shown in Configuring kubectl).
Then, run the following command to create the port forward to the application:
kubectl port-forward deployment/quickstart-nginx 8888:80
This maps port 80 from the application to port 8888 on the local machine.
$ kubectl port-forward deployment/quickstart-nginx 8888:80
Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:8888 -> 80
You should now be able to open the following URL and access the application:
If the following page is returned, congratulations! Your first deployment on a Catalyst Cloud Kubernetes cluster is working correctly.