Access control

Project users

From this screen it is possible to manage which users have access to the project and the permissions that they will be assigned.



Roles are given out to different accounts by a project administrator or moderator. These allow the accounts to perform actions that the role has security permissions for. This insures that you as a Project admin can hold users to account for their actions, or limit users ability to perform potentially harmful actions.

On the catalyst cloud there are several key roles that you need to learn when you’re wanting to add more users to your project. More than one role can be given to a user and with some cases such as the Heat Stack Owner role, you need multiple roles to have full control of the project. These roles can be amended once a user has accepted your invitation to the project.

The roles are additive meaning that you can hold a lesser role like ‘auth_only’ that is supposed to restrict permissions and a role like ‘member’ that allows those same restricted permissions. The one that allows permissions supersedes the role that restricts. This also is relevant when you are talking about accounts that can add or remove permissions. An admin account has more permissions than a moderator account. Therefore an admin account cannot have it’s roles removed by a moderator, but an admin can remove the roles of a moderator.

The roles available are split up between General roles, that control your ability to make changes to the project as a whole. And Kubernetes roles which are as the name suggests all to do with Kubernetes and the control of clusters. Information on the Kubernetes roles can be found here

General roles

Project Admin

The Project Admin role allows users to have full control over who has access to the project, including adding moderators and inviting other people to join it. However, this role is purely for administration purposes and as such limits the amount of access and visibility within the project and typically cannot interact with deployed resources in a meaningful way. In order to do this you require the member role.

The list of explicit permissions for the project admin role:

| Project Administrator | openstack.volume.get                                                   |
|                       | openstack.volume.initialize_connection                                 |
|                       | keystone.identity.project_users_access                                 |

Project Moderator

The Project Moderator role can invite other people to join your project and update their roles, but cannot change any of the roles that a project admin has. This role also has the same restrictions as the Admin role in regards to resource access.

The list of explicit permissions for the project moderator role:

| Project Moderator     | keystone.identity.project_users_access                                 |


The Billing role only allows a user to view billing usage information. This includes the monthly cost breakdown and total costs for the current month. This role also has the same restrictions as the Admin role in regards to resource access.

The list of explicit permissions for the billing role:

| Billing               | openstack.billing.get_credits                                          |
|                       | openstack.billing.get_measurements                                     |
|                       | openstack.billing.get_invoices                                         |
|                       | openstack.billing.get_quotations                                       |

Project Member

The Project Member role gives users access to all services on your project. The role does not however allow them to invite other people to join the project nor can a Project Member update roles. This role encompasses a number of others in terms of the privileges that it allows. As mentioned earlier, because our roles are additive you do not need all of them to have full control over the project.

The list of explicit permissions for the project member role. This list is quite extensive as the role covers almost all the service on the cloud:

| Role                  | Permissions                                                            |
| Project Member        | ALARM SERVICE                                                          |
|                       | openstack.alarm.create                                                 |
|                       | openstack.alarm.delete                                                 |
|                       | openstack.alarm.list                                                   |
|                       |                                                   |
|                       | openstack.alarm.state get                                              |
|                       | openstack.alarm.state set                                              |
|                       |                                         |
|                       |                                           |
|                       |                                                                        |
|                       | COMPUTE SERVICE                                                        |
|                       | openstack.compute.create                                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.attach_network                                       |
|                       | openstack.compute.attach_volume                                        |
|                       | openstack.compute.detach_volume                                        |
|                       | openstack.compute.get_all                                              |
|                       | openstack.compute.start                                                |
|                       | openstack.compute.stop                                                 |
|                       | openstack.compute.get                                                  |
|                       | openstack.compute.shelve                                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.unshelve                                             |
|                       | openstack.compute.resize                                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.confirm_resize                                       |
|                       | openstack.compute.revert_resize                                        |
|                       | openstack.compute.rebuild                                              |
|                       | openstack.compute.reboot                                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.volume_snapshot_create                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.volume_snapshot_delete                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.add_fixed_ip                                         |
|                       | openstack.compute.remoive_fixed_ip                                     |
|                       | openstack.compute.attach_interface                                     |
|                       | openstack.compute.delete_interface                                     |
|                       | openstack.compute.backup                                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.lock                                                 |
|                       | openstack.compute.unlock                                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.pause                                                |
|                       | openstack.compute.unpause                                              |
|                       | openstack.compute.rescue                                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.unrescue                                             |
|                       | openstack.compute.resume                                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.security_groups:add_to_instance                      |
|                       | openstack.compute.security_groups:remove_from_instance                 |
|                       |                                    |
|                       |                                 |
|                       |                        |
|                       |                      |
|                       | openstack.compute.snapshot                                             |
|                       | openstack.compute.suspend                                              |
|                       | openstack.compute.swap_volume                                          |
|                       | openstack.compute.compute_extension:keypairs.create                    |
|                       | openstack.compute.compute_extension:keypairs.delete                    |
|                       | openstack.compute.compute_extension:keypairs.index                     |
|                       |                      |
|                       |                                                                        |
|                       | IMAGES                                                                 |
|                       | openstack.image.add_image                                              |
|                       | openstack.image.delete_image                                           |
|                       | openstack.image.get_image                                              |
|                       | openstack.image.get_images                                             |
|                       | openstack.image.modify_image                                           |
|                       | openstack.image.copy_from                                              |
|                       | openstack.image.download_image                                         |
|                       | openstack.image.upload_image                                           |
|                       | openstack.image.delete_image_location                                  |
|                       | openstack.image.get_image_location                                     |
|                       | openstack.image.set_image_location                                     |
|                       |                                                                        |
|                       | NETWORK SERVICE                                                        |
|                       | openstack.subnet.create_subnet                                         |
|                       | openstack.subnet.get_subnet                                            |
|                       | openstack.subnet.update_subnet                                         |
|                       | openstack.subnet.delete_subnet                                         |
|                       | openstack.subnet.create_subnetpool                                     |
|                       | openstack.subnet.get_subnetpool                                        |
|                       | openstack.subnet.update_subnetpool                                     |
|                       | openstack.subnet.delete_subnetpool                                     |
|                       | openstack.address.create_address_scope                                 |
|                       | openstack.address.get_address_scope                                    |
|                       | openstack.address.update_address_scope                                 |
|                       | openstack.address.delete_address_scope                                 |
|                       |                                       |
|                       |                                          |
|                       |                                       |
|                       |                                       |
|                       | openstack.port.create_port                                             |
|                       | openstack.port.create_port:device                                      |
|                       | openstack.port.create_port:mac_address                                 |
|                       | openstack.port.create_port:fixed_ips                                   |
|                       | openstack.port.create_port:security_port_enabled                       |
|                       | openstack.port.create_port:mac_learning_enabled                        |
|                       | openstack.port.create_port:allowed_address_pairs                       |
|                       | openstack.port.get_port                                                |
|                       | openstack.port.update_port                                             |
|                       | openstack.port.update_port:device_owner                                |
|                       | openstack.port.update_port:fixed_ips                                   |
|                       | openstack.port.update_port:port_security_enabled                       |
|                       | openstack.port.update_port:mac_learning_enabled                        |
|                       | openstack.port.update_port:allowed_address_pairs                       |
|                       | openstack.port.delete_port                                             |
|                       | openstack.router.create_router                                         |
|                       | openstack.router.get_router                                            |
|                       | openstack.router.delete_router                                         |
|                       | openstack.router.add_router_interface                                  |
|                       | openstack.router.remove_router_interface                               |
|                       | firewall.create_firewall                                               |
|                       | firewall.get_firewall                                                  |
|                       | firewall.update_firewall                                               |
|                       | firewall.delete_firewall                                               |
|                       | firewall.create_firewall_policy                                        |
|                       | firewall.get_firewall_policy                                           |
|                       | firewall.create_firewall_policy:shared                                 |
|                       | firewall.update_firewall_policy                                        |
|                       | firewall.delete_firewall_policy                                        |
|                       | firewall.create_firewall_rule                                          |
|                       | firewall.get_firewall_rule                                             |
|                       | firewall.update_firewall_rule                                          |
|                       | firewall.delete_firewall_rule                                          |
|                       | openstack.floatingip.create_floating_ip                                |
|                       | openstack.floatingip.update_floating_ip                                |
|                       | openstack.floatingip.delete_floating_ip                                |
|                       | openstack.floatingip.get_floating_ip                                   |
|                       |                                                                        |
|                       | LOAD BALANCER SERVICE                                                  |
|                       |                                            |
|                       | openstack.loadbalancer.write                                           |
|                       |                                      |
|                       | openstack.loadbalancer.healthmonitor.get_all                           |
|                       |                              |
|                       | openstack.loadbalancer.healthmonitor.get_one                           |
|                       | openstack.loadbalancer.healthmonitor.put                               |
|                       | openstack.loadbalancer.healthmonitor.delete                            |
|                       | openstack.loadbalancer.policy.*                                        |
|                       | openstack.loadbalancer.rule.*                                          |
|                       | openstack.loadbalancer.loadbalancer.*                                  |
|                       | openstack.loadbalancer.pool.*                                          |
|                       |                                                                        |
|                       | VOLUME SERVICE                                                         |
|                       | openstack.volume.create                                                |
|                       | openstack.volume.delete                                                |
|                       | openstack.volume.get                                                   |
|                       | openstack.volume.get_all                                               |
|                       | openstack.volume.get_volume_metadata                                   |
|                       | openstack.volume.get_snapshot                                          |
|                       | openstack.volume.get_all_snapshots                                     |
|                       | openstack.volume.create_snapshot                                       |
|                       | openstack.volume.delete_snapshot                                       |
|                       | openstack.volume.update_snapshot                                       |
|                       | openstack.volume.extend                                                |
|                       | openstack.volume.update                                                |
|                       | openstack.volume_extension.volume_type_access                          |
|                       | openstack.volume_extension.encryption_metadata                         |
|                       | openstack.volume_extension.snapshot_attributes                         |
|                       | openstack.volume_extension.volume_image_metadata                       |
|                       |                                  |
|                       | openstack.volume_extension.volume_tenant_attribute                     |
|                       | openstack.volume.create_transfer                                       |
|                       | openstack.volume.accept_transfer                                       |
|                       | openstack.volume.delete_transfer                                       |
|                       | openstack.volume.get_all_transfers                                     |
|                       | openstack.backup.create                                                |
|                       | openstack.backup.delete                                                |
|                       | openstack.backup.get                                                   |
|                       | openstack.backup.get_all                                               |
|                       | openstack.backup.restore                                               |
|                       | openstack.snapshot_extension.snapshot_actions.update_snapshot_status   |
|                       |                                                                        |
|                       | ORCHESTRATION SERVICE                                                  |
|                       | openstack.stacks.lookup                                                |
|                       |                                                                        |
|                       | OBJECT STORAGE                                                         |
|                       | swift.delete.container                                                 |
|                       | swift.delete.object                                                    |
|                       |                                               |
|                       |                                                  |
|                       | swift.list.container                                                   |
|                       |                                                   |
|                       |                                                      |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | swift.copy.container                                                   |
|                       | swift.copy.object                                                      |
|                       | swift.stat.container                                                   |
|                       | swift.stat.object                                                      |
|                       | swift.upload.file                                                      |
|                       | swift.upload.folder                                                    |
|                       | swift.capabilities.proxy_url                                           |
|                       | swift.tempurl.container                                                |
|                       | swift.tempurl.object                                                   |
|                       | swift.auth.storage_url                                                 |
|                       | swift.auth.auth_token                                                  |

Heat Stack Owner

The Heat Stack Owner role allows users access to the Heat Cloud Orchestration Service. Users who attempt to use Heat when they do not have this role will receive an error stating they are missing the required role. This role is required for interacting with the Cloud Orchestration Service, regardless of other roles.

For more information on this service, please consult the documentation at Cloud orchestration.

The list of explicit permissions for the Heat stack owner role:

| Heat Stack Owner      | openstack.orchestration.actions:action                                 |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.build_info:build_info                          |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:ListStacks                      |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:CreateStack                     |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:DescribeStacks                  |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:DeleteStack                     |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:UpdateStack                     |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:CancelUpdateStack               |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:DescribeStackEvents             |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:ValidateTemplate                |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:GetTemplate                     |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:EstimateTemplateCost            |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.cloudformation:DescribeStackResources          |
|                       |                                   |
|                       |                                    |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.resource:index                                 |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.resource:mark_unhealthy                        |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.resource:show                                  |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.software_configs:index                         |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.software_configs:create                        |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.software_configs:show                          |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.software_configs:delete                        |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.software_development:index                     |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.software_development:create                    |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.software_development:show                      |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.software_development:update                    |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.software_development:delete                    |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:abandon                                 |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:create                                  |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:delete                                  |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:details                                 |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:export                                  |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:generate_template                       |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:index                                   |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:list_resource_types                     |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:list_template_versions                  |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:list_template_functions                 |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:preview                                 |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:resource_scheme                         |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:show                                    |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:template                                |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:environment                             |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:files                                   |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:update                                  |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:update_patch                            |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:preview_update                          |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:preview_update_patch                    |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:validate_template                       |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:snapshot                                |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:show_snapshot                           |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:delete_snapshot                         |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:list_snapshots                          |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:restore_snapshot                        |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:List_outputs                            |
|                       | openstack.orchestration.stacks:show_output                             |

Compute Start/Stop

The Compute Start/Stop role allows users to start, stop, hard reboot and soft reboot compute instances. In addition, this role now also supports shelving and un-shelving an instance. This is useful because.

  • Shelved instances are not billed for compute resources.

  • Storage resources are still billed since they are still being stored on a server.

  • “stopped” instances are still billed as if they were running because they are still scheduled to a hypervisor host.

However this role still cannot sleep/suspend an instance. Other than these actions it is equivalent to auth_only.

This role is implied when a user also has Project Member.

The list of explicit permissions for the compute start/stop role:

| Compute Start/Stop    | openstack.compute.start                                                |
|                       | openstack.compute.stop                                                 |
|                       | openstack.compute.shelve                                               |
|                       | openstack.compute.unshelve                                             |

Object Storage

The Object Storage role allows users to create, update and delete containers, and objects within those containers. Creative and destructive actions related to compute, network and block storage will fail. This role is implied when a user also has Project Member.

The list of explicit permissions for the object storage role:

| Object Storage        | swift.delete.container                                                 |
|                       | swift.delete.object                                                    |
|                       |                                               |
|                       |                                                  |
|                       | swift.list.container                                                   |
|                       |                                                   |
|                       |                                                      |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | swift.copy.container                                                   |
|                       | swift.copy.object                                                      |
|                       | swift.stat.container                                                   |
|                       | swift.stat.object                                                      |
|                       | swift.upload.file                                                      |
|                       | swift.upload.folder                                                    |
|                       | swift.capabilities.proxy_url                                           |
|                       | swift.tempurl.container                                                |
|                       | swift.tempurl.object                                                   |
|                       | swift.auth.storage_url                                                 |
|                       | swift.auth.auth_token                                                  |

Auth Only

The Auth Only role is the most restrictive role. Users are only able to manage their own account information. This role cannot view, create or destroy project resources and it does not permit the uploading of SSH keys or the viewing of project usage and quota information.

The list of explicit permissions for the auth only role:

| Authentication Only   | openstack.keypair.create                                               |
|                       |                                                   |

Kubernetes specific roles

There are certain roles that are used for kubernetes actions only and are required to perform specific actions on kubernetes clusters. They can be found in the kubernetes section of the documentation.

Adding a new user

To add a new user click on “Invite User”, add the email of the user that you wish to invite and select the ‘Roles’ that you wish to assign to them, then click “Invite”.


Once a new project member has been invited the “Invited Users” count will increase.


Once the user clicks on the link in the invitation email the “Invited Users” count will decrease by 1 and the user will appear in the Project Users panel.

Updating a user

Selecting the “Update User” action from the main “Project Users” screen will load the same panel as the one presented when inviting a new user. It is then possible to modify the current roles assigned to the user.

Revoking user access

To remove access to a project you can select ‘Revoke User’ from the Actions drop down on an individual user


or select multiple users using the check boxes on the Project Users list and then click “Revoke Users” on the upper right of the page.
