This tutorial will show you how to combine Ansible and Puppet to manage a dynamic set of servers on the Catalyst Cloud. This way you get the beautifully simple orchestration of Ansible, combined with the vast library of modules available with Puppet.
You will need:
The OpenStack command line tools, and will have sourced an OpenStack RC file, as explained at Installation on Linux and Mac
A basic understanding of how to use Ansible, and ideally have done the other Ansible tutorials first.
A good enough understanding of Puppet that you know why you’re following this tutorial.
If you follow this guide you will:
See how to setup a Puppet Master using Ansible
Drive provisioning of OpenStack and Puppet from Ansible
Define new server roles and roll these out quickly in your project
Use the above to have an “immutable infrastructure”
We’ll start by checking out the project skeleton and setting up some vars specific to your local setup.
$ git clone
$ cd catalystcloud-ansible/example-playbooks/puppet-master
# substitute my-keypair-name for whatever you have set up in your project
echo 'keypair_name: my-keypair-name' > local-vars.yml
openstack ip floating list # grab one of these and store it in PUBLIC_IP...
export PUBLIC_IP=150.x.y.z
echo "public_ip: ${PUBLIC_IP}" >> local-vars.yml
# option 1: restrict ssh access to your public ip
echo "remote_access_cidr: `curl -4`/32" >> local-vars.yml
# option 2: no restriction on ssh access to your public ip
echo "remote_access_cidr:" >> local-vars.yml
# optional: set this to prefix openstack resources with a token, eg your
# username
echo "namespace: linda-" >> local-vars.yml
# NB: This option stores your OS_PASSWORD in plaintext on the Puppet Master
# with 0440 permissions.
# If you're not comfortable storing your credentials in here, you can create an
# account at
# and give it the project member role. Then use these credentials for the
# remainder of this project.
echo "ansible_store_os_password: yes" >> local-vars.yml
Now we’re ready to create the Puppet Master, but first we’ll check out some of the interesting parts of the create-puppetmaster playbook.
We set up Puppet to run on demand, and never in the background.
# We run Puppet on demand via Ansible, so disable the agent daemon...
- name: Disable puppet agent
service: name=puppet state=stopped
# NB Our Puppet conf forbids the agent from daemonising
- name: Create puppet.conf
template: src=templates/puppet.conf.j2 dest=/etc/puppet/puppet.conf
owner=root group=root mode=0644
notify: restart puppetmaster
# Let Puppet agent run again
- name: Enable puppet agent
shell: puppet agent --enable
become: yes
We also copy our local modules directory into the Puppet Master’s module-path.
For now, there is very little in there other than an empty manifest for
, but this is where you could keep your army of Puppet
modules for whatever.
# using copy is incredibly slow for large sets of files, so we tar it up from
# local before extracting it in /etc/puppet
- name: Create tar
delegate_to: localhost
shell: echo $PWD ; tar -czf /tmp/puppet-modules.tar.gz modules
args: chdir=./
- name: Extract puppet manifests
unarchive: dest=/etc/puppet src=/tmp/puppet-modules.tar.gz copy=yes
become: yes
We also have a very crude external node classifier. It uses a property that each server is created with to decide which top-level Puppet class to apply:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# Return back 'yaml' including scraped role property as profile
. /etc/openstack.rc
ROLE=`openstack server show $1 -f json | jq .properties | ruby -e "puts /role='([^.]+)'/.match([1]"`
echo "classes: ['roles::$ROLE']"
The script pulls the role property from the instance’s metadata and
interpolates that into the ENC response, where a role of foo
wants to
include the roles::foo
OK, let’s run the play…
$ export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false # disables ssh host key checks
$ ansible-playbook -e'@local-vars.yml' create-puppetmaster.yml
Assuming everything worked, you can now log in to your new box:
$ export SSH_CMD="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=false ubuntu@$PUBLIC_IP"
# and you should see...
# Try some things...
$ (. /etc/openstack.rc && openstack server show `hostname`) # shows our own host details
$ /etc/puppet/ `hostname` # what roles does our enc give us
$ sudo puppet agent --test
# leave this window open for now
Let’s update our Puppet manifests and update the controller:
# Let's generate some entropy!
$ echo 'class roles::puppetmaster { package { "haveged": } }' > modules/roles/manifests/puppetmaster.pp
# This play reuses tasks from the create play to update manifests, then apply Puppet
$ ansible-playbook -e '@local-vars.yml' -e local_apply=true update-puppetmaster.yml
OK, take a deep breath and get ready for part two - creating some hosts!
In this step, you are going to quickly add two hosts and provision them with your Puppet Master. In your working copy, run:
# define a couple of server roles, push them to the Puppet Master
# In the real world, you'd probably do a lot more than just install a webserver
# package
$ echo 'class roles::webserver { package { 'nginx': } }' > modules/roles/manifests/webserver.pp
$ echo 'class roles::dbserver { package { 'postgresql': } }' > modules/roles/manifests/dbserver.pp
$ ansible-playbook -e '@local-vars.yml' update-puppetmaster.yml
Now switch to the Puppet Master and run:
$ cd /opt/ansible
$ . /etc/openstack.rc
# change keypair_name to be something unique, perhaps the hostname including namespace
$ ansible-playbook -e @local-vars.yml -e keypair_name=puppetmaster \
-e newhost_role=webserver -e newhost_name=web1 \
$ ssh web1 dpkg -l nginx # prints out nginx package information
$ ansible-playbook -e @local-vars.yml -e keypair_name=puppetmaster \
-e newhost_role=dbserver -e newhost_name=db1 \
$ ssh db1 dpkg -l postgresql # prints out postgres package information
If you take a look at the create-host play, it does the fiddly work of signing
certificate requests for your servers, adds a host entry to the Puppet Master’s
and then runs Puppet for you.
As an exercise, let’s do the reverse - create a play for removing a server.
- name: Remove a server from our project
hosts: localhost
- name: Delete the openstack server instance
os_server: name="{{ oldhost_name }}" state=absent
- name: Remove traces of the server from puppetmaster
include: tasks/clean-previous-host-info.yml hostname="{{ oldhost_name }}"
Save this file as /opt/ansible/delete-host.yml
and give it a whirl…
$ ansible-playbook -e @local-vars.yml -e oldhost_name=db1 delete-host.yml
$ openstack server list # it's gone!
$ ansible-playbook -e @local-vars.yml -e keypair_name=puppetmaster \
-e oldhost_name=web1 delete-host.yml
You can add and remove servers now at will. Don’t bother upgrading your servers anymore - just delete and create and never let your servers drift.