Separate billing

As mentioned above, with our billing API the user can easily deal with their invoices and make their life easier. We are providing a small script as a reference for how to consume the billing API, see

This script provides a means to get itemised billing based on the prefix of a set of resources so that a Catalyst Cloud customer can easily on-charge their hosted customers based on that customers usage.


This script is meant as a reference for how to consume the Catalyst Cloud billing API to get a separate billing based on the latest invoice. It should be fairly simple to change the code to meet other requirements.

How to use

Preparing your local environment

Create a python virtual environment and install the libraries required by the command line tool in it.

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Get billing information based on the prefix of customer

Source an openrc file with your credentials to access the Catalyst Cloud, as described at Source an openstack RC file


If you do not source an openrc file, you will need to pass the authentication information to the command line tool when running it. See ./ help for more information.

Make sure your python virtual environment is activated (source venv/bin/activate).

Sample usage:

To retrieve the current billing information for a set of resources that have the prefix customer-wcc, the command will look like this:

./ show --prefix customer-wcc

The output will look similar to this:

| resource_name                 | rate   | quantity | unit    | cost  |
| customer-wcc-ipsec-router-fdc | 0.017  | 697.0    | Hour(s) | 11.85 |
| customer-wcc-ipsec-router-gdc | 0.017  | 697.0    | Hour(s) | 11.85 |
| customer-wcc-fdc-vpnservice   | 0.017  | 697.0    | Hour(s) | 11.85 |
| customer-wcc-gdc-vpnservice   | 0.017  | 697.0    | Hour(s) | 11.85 |
| customer-wcc-fdc              | 0.0164 | 697.0    | Hour(s) | 11.43 |
| customer-wcc                  | 0.0164 | 697.0    | Hour(s) | 11.43 |
| customer-wcc-gdc              | 0.0164 | 697.0    | Hour(s) | 11.43 |
Total cost of customer [customer-wcc] for the month of [2017-07-31] is : $81.69

Get billing information when there are no unique resource prefixes defined

The parameter prefix is used to filter the invoice to get separate billing information for different customers. If resources have been created without specific prefixes it is still possible to query the billing data for the entire project.

To view the full invoice, just issue the command without a specific prefix as shown here:

./ show --prefix ''