Everyday considerations

Getting the correct ID

For user created objects within the cloud it is always advisable to lookup ID values before using them in any type of command to ensure that the correct element has been identified. While it is very rare, it should be noted that it is possible for underlying system generated cloud objects, such as flavor and image IDs to also change.

With this in mind, if you are running commands from the CLI tools or one of the support SDKs, it is recommended to lookup the ID before using it to ensure that the correct object is referenced.

The following example shows how this could be done using the OpenStack CLI tool. It can query both images and flavors by name to retrieve their ID and then it stores the resulting ID into an environment variable so that it can be reused in subsequent commands.

export CC_IMAGE_ID=$( openstack image show ubuntu-18.04-x86_64 -f value -c id )
export CC_FLAVOR_ID=$( openstack flavor show c1.c1r2 -f value -c id )

Similar mechanisms exist for doing this with other tool sets such as Ansible, Terraform and the various supported development SDKs.

Create an incident response playbook

An incident response playbook is a tool that companies use to deal with issues in a routine and standardised way. There are a variety of different playbooks you can create; Typical examples would be a guide or process of what to avoid doing if you are using root access to keep your system safe. The objective of having these playbooks is to provide your staff with a routine way of dealing with tasks and a clear path on what to do in the event of something going wrong.

For incidents that occur with your projects on the Catalyst Cloud. We recommended this documentation be one of the first places you check to solving your issues. The documentation is comprehensive and deals with most of the frequently encountered problems. Should you be unable to find your solution here, the next step involving catalyst would be to raise a ticket via our support service

Back up data

This is a standard practice for any business. Making sure that if some form of catastrophe were to befall you system, that you have backups to recover to a working state. When it comes to the Catalyst Cloud, there are several unique things that ensure data backup.

Our Object and Block storage services create copies of the data stored on them and distribute these copies to the different regions available. If any physical damage or soft corruption (bit rot) were to occur, the data would be restored through the self-healing and self-managing storage systems that we have.

However, you may still want to create explicit backups for your data. More information on backups can be found under the backups section of the documentation or under the section on the specific service you seek to backup.