
Admission Control

After Kubernetes API server received API request from client side, and just before persisting the resource in etcd, there are a list of admission controller which will intercepts the API request to validate and/or mutate the request. Please refer Kubernetes official document for the full list of admission controller.

Catalyst Cloud Kubernetes Service does support setting admission controllers when create a new cluster by specifying labels. In Kubernetes v1.18.x, below admission controllers are enabled by default:

  • NamespaceLifecycle

  • LimitRanger

  • ServiceAccount

  • TaintNodesByCondition

  • Priority

  • DefaultTolerationSeconds

  • DefaultStorageClass

  • StorageObjectInUseProtection

  • PersistentVolumeClaimResize

  • RuntimeClass

  • CertificateApproval

  • CertificateSigning

  • CertificateSubjectRestriction

  • DefaultIngressClass

  • MutatingAdmissionWebhook

  • ValidatingAdmissionWebhook

  • ResourceQuota

How to turn on an admission controller

There are some other useful admission controller can be enabled to enhance the security of Kubernetes cluster. To turn on an admission controllers, user can do it by either command line or dashboard with label admission_control_list.

Command Line

With command line, when creating a new Kubernetes cluster, please use label admission_control_list and make sure –merge-labels used as well.

openstack coe cluster create k8s-1 --merge-labels --labels admission_control_list=PodSecurityPolicy --cluster-template kubernetes-v1.18.2-prod-20200630


When using dashboard to create Kubernetes cluster, on the last Advanced tag, you can set additional labels as below:
