Private cluster

As a security best practice, isolating Kubernetes clusters from internet access is one of the most desired features for enterprise users. On Catalyst Cloud, all the public templates after our Beta release (from 10 September, 2019) will create private clusters by default.

Controlling levels of cluster isolation

There are several attributes and labels related to this topic and they can be set on both the cluster template and cluster level.


You cannot convert an existing, non-private cluster to a private cluster.

  • master_lb_enabled: true As multiple master nodes may exist in a cluster, a load balancer is created to provide the API endpoint for the cluster and to direct requests to the masters. Where the load balancer service is not available, this option can be set to ‘false’ thus creating a cluster without the load balancer. In this case, one of the masters will serve as the API endpoint. The default for load balancer is True for our prod templates.

    This is an attribute of cluster template, it can not be override when creating cluster.

  • floating_ip_enabled: false When enabled it will assign a floating IP to all cluster master and worker nodes. This means that all nodes are accessible from the internet, which is not recommended.

    It’s an attribute of cluster template, but it can be override when creating cluster.

  • master_lb_floating_ip_enabled: false If it is enabled it will allocate a floating IP on the load balancer of the master nodes. This label only takes effect when the template property master_lb_enabled is set. If not specified, the default value is the same as template property floating_ip_enabled.

    This is a label, and it can be override when creating the cluster.s

  • fixed_network The name or network ID of a network to provide connectivity to the internal network for the cluster.

    When creating cluster, you can set the fixed_network to create the cluster in an existing network.

  • fixed_subnet This defines the fixed subnet that will be used to allocate network addresses for nodes in the cluster.

    When creating a cluster, you can set the fixed_subnet to create the cluster in an existing subnet.

Cluster isolation scenarios

There are 4 typical scenarios as below:

prod template

dev template

private cluster

master_lb_enabled = True floating_ip_enabled = False master_lb_floating_ip_enabled = False

master_lb_enabled = False floating_ip_enabled = False master_lb_floating_ip_enabled = False

public cluster

master_lb_enabled = True floating_ip_enabled = False master_lb_floating_ip_enabled = True

master_lb_enabled = False floating_ip_enabled = True master_lb_floating_ip_enabled = False

Create cluster in existing network

Use the openstack coe cluster create command to set the existing network and subnet:

$ openstack coe cluster create my-cluster --cluster-template <Template ID> \
                                          --fixed-network <network ID> \
                                          --fixed-subnet <subnet ID>

Turn on/off floating ip when creating cluster

Though it is not recommended, it is possible to enable or disable floating IP when creating a new cluster. This will override the floating IP behaviour defined in the cluster template. To enable floating IP you can run command as below:

$ openstack coe cluster create my-cluster --cluster-template <Template ID> \

or disable floating IP (if it’s enabled in the cluster template):

$ openstack coe cluster create my-cluster --cluster-template <Template ID> \

Access Kubernetes API from the internet


Again, it’s not recommended to make your Kubernetes cluster accessible from the Internet for security reasons.

As mentioned above, by default cluster created based on Catalyst Cloud prod templates are not accessible from Internet. It can be reachable by adding a label master_lb_floating_ip_enabled=True to allocate a floating IP address to the load balancer of Kubernetes API with below command:

$ openstack coe cluster create my-cluster --cluster-template <Template ID> \
                                          --labels <existing labels>,master_lb_floating_ip_enabled=True


The parameter –merge-labels is mandatory.

To update a label when creating a cluster, you have to set all the labels from the template to do override.

For clusters created based on dev cluster template, instead of setting the master_lb_floating_ip_enabled label, you have to enable the floating IP as we mentioned above and manually changed security group rule for master nodes to allow ingress traffic on port 6443.