#################################################################### Creating an instance with interfaces on different networks with Heat #################################################################### This tutorial assumes the following: * You have created a basic network setup in the Catalyst Cloud. * You have installed the OpenStack command line tools and sourced an openrc file, as explained at :ref:`command-line-interface`. * You have a basic understanding of Heat templates as shown at :ref:`launching-your-first-instance-using-heat`. ************ Introduction ************ In this tutorial, you will find out how to create an additional network in a project that already has a private network, and then create a server that has interfaces on the existing private network and the newly created one. You will need to delve into the mysteries of 'cloud-init' a little to achieve this. You'll also learn how to perform another useful customisation - changing who the default user is for an instance. ************* Heat template ************* We need to create a network, and a subnet - and then boot an instance using these plus an already existing private network. Unfortunately, it is not sufficient simply to create networks and provide these to the instance at creation time - only the first network is properly configured if this approach is taken (this could be viewed as a bug). This can be worked around using the the user_data property along with cloud-init: .. code-block:: yaml # # Deploying a network and a compute instance using Heat # heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: > Deploying new network, subnet and a server using Heat. parameters: key_name: type: string description: Name of an existing key pair to use for the server default: your-user-key constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.keypair flavor: type: string description: Flavor for the server to be created default: c1.c2r2 constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor image: type: string description: Image ID or image name to use for the server default: ubuntu-14.04-x86_64 constraints: - custom_constraint: glance.image user: type: string description: Default user default: myuser net1: type: string description: (existing) network for the server to be created default: private-net1 constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network net2: type: string description: (New) network for the server to be created default: private-net2 subnetcidr: type: string description: Subnet cidr default: subnetstart: type: string description: Start of subnet address default: subnetend: type: string description: End of subnet address default: resources: private_net: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: { get_param: net2 } private_subnet: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: name: { get_param: net2 } network_id: { get_resource: private_net } cidr: { get_param: subnetcidr } allocation_pools: - start: { get_param: subnetstart } end: { get_param: subnetend } server: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: server1 key_name: { get_param: key_name } image: { get_param: image } flavor: { get_param: flavor } networks: - network: {get_param: net1} - network: {get_resource: private_net} user_data: str_replace: template: | #cloud-config bootcmd: - "ifdir='/etc/network/interfaces.d'; for iface in $(ip -o link | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ' ' | grep ^eth); do if [ ! -e ${ifdir}'/'${iface}'.cfg' ]; then echo 'Creating iface file for '${iface}; echo 'auto '${iface}'\niface '${iface}' inet dhcp\n' > $ifdir'/'$iface'.cfg'; ifup ${iface}; fi; done" runcmd: - "echo 'Complete' > /var/log/cloud-init-complete.txt" system_info: default_user: name: $USER shell: /bin/bash params: $USER: {get_param: user} user_data_format: RAW outputs: server_networks: description: The networks of the deployed server value: { get_attr: [server, networks] }