################# 16 September 2024 ################# Major upgrade to the Compute (Nova) service. Most of the changes are internal however there are some public-facing changes as described below. ========================== Compute API Version Change ========================== The compute v2.1 API has been upgraded from microversion v2.42 to v2.60. This introduces a number of useful changes: * Flavor specs are displayed when viewing server details. * Network interfaces and volumes can be attached with an optional tag parameter. These tags are exposed internally to the server via the metadata service which can be useful to aid with device identification. * Tags can now be specified when creating a server. * Server key pair can be set while rebuilding. * The ``limit`` and ``marker`` options can be used to perform paginated query when listing instance actions. In addition the ``changes-since`` option can also be used filter the results based on the last time the instance action was updated. Requests for features that are newer than this microversion may result in an error being returned instead of the desired action being performed. ================= Instance Keypairs ================= When an instance is rebuilt the key pair associated with an instance can now be changed by other users within the same project. This means that instances built by users who are no longer active can be issued a replacement SSH key by rebuilding it. ========== GPU Update ========== The NVIDIA GPU driver is being updated release 535. This introduces support for: * Ubuntu 24.04 instances * CUDA 12.2 An updated driver package (535.183.06) is available for GPU instances. This should be used for all new instance deployments; refer to the :ref:`GPU instructions ` for more information and download links. Existing GPU instances will continue to operate normally using the previous driver package, however a driver upgrade is required to use the new GPU capabilities. ============== Resize Timeout ============== Instances that are resized will automatically confirm the change after 15 minutes unless manually reverted within that period. This ensures they don't indefinitely remain in a ``VERIFY_RESIZE`` state which can prevent other requested actions from being performed in future until the resize is verified.