################# 17 March 2021 ################# Minor release to update the Kubernetes service and the loadbalancing service. The changes include some fixes for the Kubernetes service, and some additional features for both services. ************************ Container Infra (Magnum) ************************ We have added support for kubernetes v1.20.x and will be adding templates for this version in future releases. Additionally there was a fix implemented to solve an issue that was affecting kubernetes rolling upgrades. Finally, we have added support for `Containerd`_ at runtime. For more information about why this was added and what it means for the kubernetes service going forward, we recommend reading the following article: `Don't Panic: Kubernetes and Docker`_ ************************ Load balancing (Octavia) ************************ We have added support for deploying loadbalancers (including a health-monitor) for UDP-based services. .. _Containerd: https://containerd.io/ .. _`Don't Panic: Kubernetes and Docker`: https://kubernetes.io/blog/2020/12/02/dont-panic-kubernetes-and-docker/