The Catalyst Cloud is built on top of the OpenStack project. There are many Software Development Kits for a variety of different languages available for OpenStack. Some of these SDKs are written specifically for OpenStack while others are multi cloud SDKs that have an OpenStack provider. Some of these libraries are written to support a particular service like compute, while others attempt to provide a unified interface to all services. You will find an up to date list of recommended SDKs at A more exhaustive list that includes in development SDKs is available at This section covers the OpenstackSDK which is a python based SDK with support currently only provided for python3. This sdk came out of 3 separate libraries originally: shade, os-client-config and python-openstacksdk. They each have their own history on how they were created but after awhile it was clear that there was a lot to be gained by merging the three projects. | Firstly, we have to install the OpenstackSDK. The recommended way to get the up to date version of the SDK is to use Python's pip installer. Simply run: .. code-block:: bash pip install openstacksdk It is recommended that you use the openstack sdk from a virtual environment. More information can be found here: :ref:`python-virtual-env` Now that we have the OpenstackSDK installed, the next step in getting an instance running is to provide your Python script with the correct credentials and configuration for your project. If you have already sourced your OpenRC file, then this step has been taken care of. If you still need to source your OpenRC, there is a link above in the requirements section of this document. | Once your environment variables have been set, we are able to create an instance using the openstack-SDK. We have prepared below a python script that will create all the various resources needed to set up a blank ubuntu-18 instance with a block storage volume attached. If you want to create an instance with different parameters, you can find information on how to create your own scripts on the `OpenstackSDK documentation`_: .. _OpenstackSDK documentation: The following code block assumes a few things: * You are using an RC file that does not use 2-factor-authentication. if you are using 2FA then you would need to change the `password` variable to be a `token` * The region your instance is going to be made is the Porirua region. * You have downloaded and installed a version of python3 on your machine. * You don't already have a private SSH key that you want to associate with your instance. To change this you will have to alter the code relating to the 'create_keypair' function. .. code-block:: python3 #!/usr/bin/env python #import needed packages import os import sys import openstack from openstack.config import loader import errno config = loader.OpenStackConfig() #Variables for the creation of an instance prefix = 'openstacksdk-' #Change this prefix if you're wanting a different name NETWORK_PREFIX = '10.10.0' SERVER_NAME = prefix + 'instance' PRIVATE_NETWORK = prefix + 'private-net' PRIVATE_SUBNET = prefix + 'private-subnet' ROUTER = prefix + 'router' SECURITY_GROUP = prefix + 'sg' NETWORK_NAME = prefix + 'private-net' KEYPAIR_NAME = prefix + 'keypair' VOLUME_NAME = prefix + 'volume' IMAGE_NAME = 'ubuntu-18.04-x86_64' FLAVOR_NAME = 'c1.c1r1' SSH_DIR = '{home}/.ssh'.format(home=os.path.expanduser("~")) PUBLIC_KEYPAIR_FILE = '{ssh_dir}/'.format(ssh_dir=SSH_DIR) PRIVATE_KEYPAIR_FILE = '{ssh_dir}/openstacksdk.id_rsa.private'.format(ssh_dir=SSH_DIR) RESTRICTED_CIDR_RANGE = '' #connect to the cloud using local variables. auth = os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'] region_name = os.environ['OS_REGION_NAME'] project_name = os.environ['OS_PROJECT_NAME'] username = os.environ['OS_USERNAME'] password = os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'] print('The environment variables this script has found:') print('Auth URL:',auth) print('Region name:',region_name) print('Project name',project_name) print('Username',username) print('Password',password[:1]) conn = openstack.connect( auth_url=auth, project_name=project_name, username=username, password=password, region_name=region_name, app_name='examples', app_version='1.0', ) #print the current network to prove that the connectivity is successful print('------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('Connection to the catalyst server:') print(conn,'\n') def ssh_port(conn): sec_group = if not sec_group: print("Create a security group and set up SSH ingress:") print('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') sec_group = name=SECURITY_GROUP) ssh_rule =, direction='ingress', remote_ip_prefix='', protocol='TCP', port_range_max='22', port_range_min='22', ethertype='IPv4') return sec_group def create_router(conn): router = if not router: print("Create a Router:") print('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') router = name=ROUTER,external_gateway_info={'network_id':'849ab1e9-7ac5-4618-8801-xxxxxxxxxxxx'} ) router.add_interface(, return router def create_network(conn): network = if not network: print("Create a Network and subnet:") print('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') network = name=NETWORK_NAME) example_subnet = name=PRIVATE_SUBNET,, ip_version='4', cidr='', gateway_ip='') router=create_router(conn) security_group=ssh_port(conn) return network def create_keypair(conn): keypair = conn.compute.find_keypair(KEYPAIR_NAME) if not keypair: print("Create a Key Pair:") print('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') keypair = conn.compute.create_keypair(name=KEYPAIR_NAME) try: os.mkdir(SSH_DIR) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise e with open(PRIVATE_KEYPAIR_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write("%s" % keypair.private_key) os.chmod(PRIVATE_KEYPAIR_FILE, 0o400) return keypair def create_volume(conn): print("Creating and attaching Volume:") print('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') volume = conn.volume_exists(VOLUME_NAME) instance = conn.compute.find_server(SERVER_NAME) loop_val = True if not volume: volume = conn.volume.create_volume(name=VOLUME_NAME, size=10,volume_type='b1.standard',wait=True) # The following loop, waits for your volume to be built before attaching it to your instance. while loop_val == True: volume_stat = conn.get_volume(VOLUME_NAME).status if volume_stat == 'available': loop_val = False # attach the volume to your instance volume = conn.get_volume(VOLUME_NAME) conn.attach_volume(server=instance,volume=volume,wait=True) return volume def attach_floating_ip(conn): print('Attaching floating IP to instance:') print('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') instance = conn.compute.find_server(SERVER_NAME) floating_IP = if floating_IP: conn.compute.add_floating_ip_to_server(instance,floating_IP.floating_ip_address) print('Allocated a floating IP. To access your instance use : ssh -i {key} ubuntu@{ip}'.format(key=PRIVATE_KEYPAIR_FILE, ip=floating_IP.floating_ip_address)) else:'849ab1e9-7ac5-4618-8801-xxxxxxxxxxxx') floating_IP = conn.compute.add_floating_ip_to_server(instance,floating_IP.floating_ip_address) print('Created a floating IP. To access your instance use : ssh -i {key} ubuntu@{ip}'.format(key=PRIVATE_KEYPAIR_FILE, ip=floating_IP.floating_ip_address)) return floating_IP def create_instance(conn): print('Building resources for create:') print('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') image = conn.compute.find_image(IMAGE_NAME) flavor = conn.compute.find_flavor(FLAVOR_NAME) network = create_network(conn) security_group = keypair = create_keypair(conn) print('Creating Instance') print('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') server = conn.compute.create_server( name=SERVER_NAME,,, networks=[{"uuid":}],, security_groups=[security_group]) server = conn.compute.wait_for_server(server) def main(conn): #run this function to create your instance. #creates your instance: create_instance(conn) #creates and attaches a volume create_volume(conn) #attaches a floating_IP to your instance. attach_floating_ip(conn) main(conn) You'll need to save this script as a python file and run the following command from your the directory of your file: .. code-block:: bash python3 After this is completed you should be able to see your new instance on your project in the catalyst cloud.